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Tips for a more sustainable Christmas

So a sustainable Christmas, on top of just Christmas?!

Not easy is it? Such a wonderful time of year, but a lot of pressure, a lot of “being very busy” and often a lot of stress… and you don’t necessarily want to add in worrying about the environmental impact of it all.

But there are some fairly easy ways to make it all a bit more simple and a bit more sustainable. Sounds a bit good to me.


The age old question. What can we get for the children?

Panic. So. Much Stuff.

To avoid plastic overload and the need to move to a bigger house, here are some more sustainable ideas:

  1. Buy less, but better. We really love the ‘something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read” idea. It gives real clarity, totally reduces the stress of it all and makes for a really good selection of thoughtful, quality gifts
  2. Gift an experience. I know children don’t always see the instant appeal of this, but I really love the idea of gifting experiences. Days out, theatre trips, cinema vouchers, afternoon teas. You name it. These often really support small local businesses too which is a massive win-win. Plus it spreads the joy of the festive period out too as you have something lovely to look forward to.
  3. Materials… it is also great to think about what materials are used in the items. Can you get a more sustainable alternative? Can you buy second hand? Locally we have some great groups selling and buying second hand and much of it is practically brand new!


You can do so many exciting things with wrapping to make it more sustainable. Brown paper is awesome. You can decorate it with the kids, you can add string and natural materials such as leaves and berries and everything can be recycled. It also looks so beautiful under the tree, just like you imagine Christmas to look.

There is also a growing number of recyclable wrapping paper options, which are all clearly labelled and in most supermarkets and shops, so definitely opt for these if you can.

Crackers are similar – you can buy kits to make your own, which makes it nice and easy. They are all eco-friendly and recyclable. You get to choose small gifts to go inside which the children LOVE and keeps you plastic-free.


Food wise, it is good to stay as seasonal and local as you can. It all reduces the impact of your Christmas, and supports local businesses. It is not necessarily possible for everything and everyone, but any little change can help.

Gift wise, I try hard to shop small where I can. Owning a small business myself, I really understand what this means. It has been such a tough year, and the fall in sales has been terrifying in recent months. Every sale a small shop makes truly makes a massive difference, and it really boosts the local (and national) economy. Shopping small also often leads to really unique gifts and that makes for a truly special Christmas. It is not always possible for every gift, but even shopping small for some of your gifts, decorations or food will really make a difference.


  1. Light it up! But use LED lights if you can. They use less energy, last longer and look just as good!
  2. Make your own decorations. You could save some money by up-cycling old decorations. Or make your own using spare material around the house or natural materials you collect on a walk.
  3. Don’t forget the tree!  My absolute favourite part of Christmas. Buying an artificial tree is fine and sometimes it is absolutely the best option. But try to commit to reusing it for at least 10 years. Otherwise, it would have been better to buy a living tree from a sustainable forest. If buying a real tree, make sure it’s FSC-certified. Be clear on how to dispose of your tree once the season is over. Potted tress are great as they can be replanted. And there are lots of options for ‘renting’ Christmas tress, which you return after the season for it to continue growing, ready for you next year!

Ooh and before I go, Christmas Jumpers!

Who doesn’t love Christmas Jumper Day? It can be so incredibly wasteful though, so there are loads of things you can do here to make Christmas Jumpers more sustainable:

  1. Make sure to pass on, swap and share with friends and family as children grow out of sizes
  2. Buy second hand if you can. They have often only been worn once or twice!
  3. Choose a jumper that can be a Christmas jumper, but not just a Christmas jumper. Something that is festive, but can be worn all Winter.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas,

Emma and the Adventure Boys x

Our ‘Adventure’ jumper seen above is a perfect example of a jumper that is for both Christmas and the whole winter season. A Christmas jumper that is not just a Christmas jumper. Link here x

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Happy Adventuring!  Emma and the Adventure Boys xx